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             - DTM

Eligible Cars:

Alfa Romero 155;  Mercedes 190, Mercedes  C-class DTM/ITC, Opel Calibra DTM/ITC.  Other Slot it DTM cars made to be added when they become available, see general rules.


Must remain as standard MX15, 21k rpm black(older cars) or white (newer cars) end bell fitted as standard factory,  Or white end bell aftermarket motors 21k rpm MX15, 21k (all motors must have identification marks stamped 21k rpm or identification that states it to be from a DTM but still must be a 21k motor, and fitted with 9 tooth pinion PI09.  If you change the motor from any of the standard factory fitted black or white end bell motor you must inform the scrutineer. Only the 21k above specified motors are allowed.

Motor Mount:

Must remain as standard CH110 mount.  The mount can be loose.  Motor mount suspension is not allowed.

Rear Axle Gear:

Must be inline Bronze yellow 28 tooth gear (SIGI28BZ). Grease can be used to lubricate gears and pinions.


Must remain as standard. No lightweight interiors and the original interior must not be drilled to be made lighter.   Glass must be present.  The rear wing must be present at the start of each race.  Mirrors and aerials do not need to be present. White kits must be painted. The body must be white painted, not just with varnish over the white body. The wheel arches cannot be extended or filed out.


Must be the  chassis intended to match the car. You can file or remove a small amount to allow free movement of the motor mount, no more than 0.5 mm ether side.  Weight can be added.


Must be the original axles PA01-48.  Washers, spacers and axle stoppers are not allowed. 

Rear Wheels:

Must be the original wheels to the car. W15808215A 

Rear Tyres:

Will be a control tyre for this class.  Grey PCS Tyres 18 x 10 (PCS-RTO3g-F22) or 20 x 10  (PCS-RT04g-F22)  from Pendle.  Tyres must not be glued to the wheels.

Front Wheels:

Must be the original plastic wheels to the car W15808225P (16.5mm x 8.2mm).

Front Tyres: 

Must be the original tyres PT1228C1 they can be trued but no lower than a height of 17.5m.  They may be glazed, but must not be glued to the wheels.

Wheel Inserts:

Wheel inserts must be fitted to the car wheels.  Wheels must not be seen outside the body of the car when viewed from above.


Must be as original SICH66 or the equivalent screw guide SICH85

Free Choice:

Braid, screws and wire are all free choice components.

 If it is not listed above please refer to NSSRC General Rules. If it is not listed, it is not permitted.  Modification is not allowed.

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